The Lodge...

We hiked and fished and just relaxed and soaked up the fresh air and sunshine. Joshua loved it and has decided that he wants to live there, (after his fit about "not wanting to waste his whole weekend in the woods", lol).

Mom is so silly....

There are tons of hiking trails and we spent Sunday wondering around on them. We enjoyed the company of Basil and Fritz the dogs and Louise the horse. We went up to the lodge on Saturday night and played “Apples to Apples” and had a funny and scary (for me and Nanny) experience with a terrified mole. It ran around blindly for an hour before Joshua caught it with a box and we put it outside. It was so scared it pooped it’s pants!! Joshua did some kind of a tribal dance of capture! LOL Poor lil guy...he was adorable though!

Joshua played outside a lot and almost caught a fish, unfortunately there are no pictures of the “one that got away!” On Sunday night we went down to “The Point,” which overlooks the lake and built a fire, roasted marshmallows and had a wonderful time. I played a really dirty trick on Monday. I was in charge of putting out the fire and did a good job, but was really leery of leaving it, just in case it would reignite. Well, on Monday morning we started to see smoke coming from the area where we had had our fire, so Joshua, Papa and I went down to investigate...
Mom was so upset, thinking that somehow our “extinguished” fire had been reborn in the night and caught the forest on fire. I went running back up the hill and said “It looks like we left an ember and it reignited and set the hillside on fire!!” Mom almost died, she got really upset and almost started to cry. Ok, I did feel I told her I was just joking. That really, some guys down by the river were burning debris! I think she really did want to choke me!!! But, of course, I almost peed my pants laughing. I'm glad she finally thinks its funny now though!!! We had a TON of fun! Enjoy the pics.