Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I have been a busy girl. I did take a lot of great Easter pictures that I wanted to share, just finding the time to do so has been the problem. So, here they are… I hope you enjoy.

Since it was a BEAUTIFUL day, Jenna and I had a little outdoor photo shoot before the festivities began. She was a good sport but the sun was in her lil eyes. I did get a couple of good shots though.

 4.4.2010 Easter Sunday 017 - edited 4.4.2010 Easter Sunday 023 - edited 4.4.2010 Easter Sunday 025 -edited4.4.2010 Easter Sunday 024 - edited 

Easter Egg Coloring and Egg Hunt

Thanks to me, it has been our new tradition to color Easter Eggs on Easter day at Mama’s house. And so far, every single year we have had an Easter Egg coloring disaster! This year, I thought we were safe. Jenna was sitting on the opposite side of the table (from the coloring cups) with a WHITE, hardboiled egg. What could happen? Just then, Jenna threw her egg across the table and landed it into the orange coloring cup. Egg Dye went everywhere!!! All over Devon’s brand new Easter shorts, Joshua’s Shirt, etc. Next year, we will be bringing a change of clothes ;)

4.4.2010 Easter Sunday 046 - edited4.4.2010 Easter Sunday 051 - edited4.4.2010 Easter Sunday 052 - edited4.4.2010 Easter Sunday 049 - edited4.4.2010 Easter Sunday 041 - edited

Jenna wasn’t too fond of Easter Egg Hunting. She would pick an egg up, put it in her basket, take it out and throw it. I don’t think she quite got the concept. That, or she just didn't care!

  4.4.2010 Easter Sunday 055 - edited4.4.2010 Easter Sunday 056 - edited4.4.2010 Easter Sunday 059 - edited24.4.2010 Easter Sunday 060 - edited

Joshua and Devon, on the other hand, made a whole new game out of Easter Egg Hunting….we’ll call it Easter Egg Dodge Ball.

The both were so covered in lil red Easter Egg whelps that it looked like they had the Chicken Pox!

4.4.2010 Easter Sunday 062 - edited4.4.2010 Easter Sunday - Egg Fight - edited

Jenna just sat on the porch with Mommy and watched the silly boys play!

4.4.2010 Easter Sunday Jenna- edited

*Note that once again our boys are SHIRTLESS! The past two years we have had awesome Easter weather…and Egg Coloring Covered Clothing. (say that 5 times fast) haha!


Couple of Random Easter Day pictures….

4.4.2010 Easter Sunday 0434.4.2010 Easter Sunday 039 4.4.2010 Easter Sunday 037 4.4.2010 Easter Sunday 010 4.4.2010 Easter Sunday 034