Tuesday, July 13, 2010


For Jenna’s 2nd Birthday Party, I got her a BIG BOUNCE HOUSE. So, in order for her to practice (so that when her friends came over, she was good at bouncing & not scared of it) we sat it up and let her go at it! It seemed as though everyone wanted to join in….

7.1.2010 Bounce House 012This was a big surprise for Jenna, Jeff had it all set up and ready to go when we got home. We made her close her eyes, turn her head and not look until she got outside. (PS. She had been eating a blue sucker on  the way home) hehe.



7.1.2010 Bounce House 0157.1.2010 Bounce House 016

7.1.2010 Bounce House 018 7.1.2010 Bounce House 019

Peek-A-Boo!!! 7.1.2010 Bounce House 0207.1.2010 Bounce House 0267.1.2010 Bounce House 0297.1.2010 Bounce House 0327.1.2010 Bounce House 022

Down the Slide…. It looks like the only one of us with any grace at all is lil Jenna Lea Grace, herself! :)6.30