Wednesday, January 5, 2011

when Santa came

This year we celebrated a little differently, started a new “Walker Family tradition”. Santa came early to our house & we LOVED it!!!! The hustle bustle of Christmas morning was much less chaotic, Jenna was able to play with her toys for days before having to go to her dads family's houses in Ohio for a week. It was much more relaxed!!!

First Came the Cookies….

12.21.2010 Cookie collage 

Then Came Santa….

12.18.2010 Breakfast with Santa Collage 

12.25.2010 CHRISTMAS 023

Joshua and Jenna were so very excited this year, we tucked into bed with a “Night Before Christmas” story, Santa pj’s, Reindeer food scattered on the walk and cookies and milk out for Santa… and off to sleep we went…


Santa brought Jenna a sparkly new kitchen, dishes, pots and pans, a scooter like her big brothers and a cute little grocery bag from Thirty-One ;) Santa knows good style when he sees it!!

12.25.2010 CHRISTMAS 012

12.22.2010 Scooter Collage

12.22.2010 Kitchen Collage

He brought Joshua a new motor Razor scooter, a helmet to protect that “not so little” noggin ;), a new Nintendo DSI (blue, of course! – he’s no dummy!!), his new favorite “Kermit the Frog” shirt, lots and lots of games and an awesome Lego Log Cabin!!!!

12.25.2010 CHRISTMAS 028

The DSI. This apparently is a BIG deal. I don’t think I have seen Joshua’s handsome face without the glow off of his new DSI for more than 2 weeks now. He has beaten Super Scribblenauts, twice I’m almost certain.12.22.2010 DS Collage

Bring it on Bubby….

12.22.2010 DSI Collage2

After a Lovely Family Dinner and Naps we open more presents!!!

12.25.2010 CHRISTMAS 123  12.25.2010 CHRISTMAS 074

12.25.2010 CHRISTMAS 076

12.25.2010 CHRISTMAS 07312.25.2010 CHRISTMAS 081 

12.25.2010 CHRISTMAS 096 12.25.2010 CHRISTMAS 098

12.25.2010 CHRISTMAS 102

12.25.2010 CHRISTMAS 088 

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12.22.2010 Wizard Collage

Merry Christmas from the Walker/Botkins Family!!!
