Thursday, January 7, 2010

how old is too old?

….to play with Little People.

“NEVER!”, say my 8 year old son & my 13 year old brother! They were so cute playing with Jenna and her toys on Tuesday during our snow day at home. They also turned her new playhouse into Fort Knox during Jenna’s nap. (I didn’t think to snap pictures of that however) Boys will be boys…

 1.5.2009 Snow Day - Little People 011 1.5.2009 Snow Day - Little People 014 1.5.2009 Snow Day - Little People 015 1.5.2009 Snow Day - Little People 017 1.5.2009 Snow Day - Little People 019 1.5.2009 Snow Day - Little People 022

Slightly resembles Jenna’s playhouse after Devon and Joshua were finished with it. Pillows blocking off all of the windows, nerf sniper guns poking out of the remaining holes, etc.
