Tuesday, January 12, 2010

There’s No Play like Snow Play

The kids and I had a blast playing in the snow at Mama & Papa’s house this weekend! Joshua stayed with Papa & Devon Wednesday thorough Friday due to the school cancelations. So, by Saturday the boys were a lil worn out, but they still played with us REALLY HARD!

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Joshua showing Jenna how it’s done. Down the hill he goes….

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“Now Jenna, this is how you do it.”

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Snow Angels,

Mommy’s Angels.

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Papa & Jenna walking to the bottom of the hill to watch the boys come down on their sleds.

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Party after Dark.

Dad said, “lets have a sleigh ridding party!!!” So, we did…hot dogs on the fire, lots of warm clothes and a couple of sleds later, we had ourselves a lil party. Dwaine & Jamie even came and played. The kids had almost as much fun as the adults! :)

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Jenna, Mommy, Papa & Joshua

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Our “table”. My adorable brother says, “there’s a redneck fix for everything!” Isn’t that the truth!

A board on a ladder = table.

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Dad had a genius plan to sled down the hill on his knees! UNTIL he face planted on the sled at the top of the hill on run 7 and tore a pound of flesh from his face…..it’s late boys. Time to come inside! :)

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We had so much fun!!! I don’t think I have ever played so much in the snow. Even as a kid.

We made lots of AWESOME memories!



Dad’s eye the following day. (from his face plant on the sled) OUCH! That must have hurt!

1.9.2010 Dad