Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Valentine’s Day

Jenna had a great time at her Valentine’s Day Party at school. We came home early and just played, this is how it went….

2.11.2010 Mommy & Jenna

Had a few giggles….

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Opened Valentine’s Day Cards from school…

2.11.2010 Jenna's Valentines

Mommy got a new Valentines Day Otter Box, I sure do LOVE it!!!

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I had to work on Saturday the 13th, the day before Valentine’s Day!

Ugh…but, decided to make some fun of it :)

Look at those berries! They were just as delicious as they looked!

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And the Chocolate, it was pretty tasty too!

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We made Chocolate Covered Pretzles….

Step 1

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Step 2

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…and Raspberries. (which weren’t picture worthy, but WERE delicious!)

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TA-DA!! Homemade Edible Arrangements! Made with LOVE!!

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While working on Saturday, busting my rump to make yummy treats for my boys, I received this lovely bouquet of flowers from my babies.

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Valentine’s Treats for my Joshua.

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My two precious baby J’s made me Valentine’s Treats this year too! We always give each other the sign for love. And I sure do LOVE these Valentines!!!

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